v. 1. push, thrust something long forward. Kun kita lang duha dì giyud ta makahandus niíning awtúha, The two of us cannot push this car. Gihandúsan siyag kalit sa usa ka maháit nga kutsilyu, someone thrust a sharp knife at him; 2. submit, pass on for action. Ihandus ang aplikisyun ngadtu sa pangúlung buhatan, Forward the application to the head office; 3. carry something sizeable s.w. to deliver it. Ása ninyu ihandus ning grába? Where are you delivering this gravel? 4. send food or drinks to a celebration to supplement what is offered by the host. Naghandus akug usa ka litsun sa ílang kasal, I contributed a roast pig to their wedding; n. 1. push given to something long; 2. haul, delivery; 3. something contributed to a party.