a. 1. having great tensile strength, hard to break. Halwut kaáyu ang pánit sa litsun, The pigskin is very tough. Halwut ang lastiku, dílì mabugtù, The rubber band is very strong. It won’t break; 2. viscous, sticky. Halwut kaáyung ákung kamut sa arníbal, My hands are all sticky with syrup; 3. of a mellow, smooth texture without being soggy. Halwut nga kamúti, Smooth-textured sweet potatoes; 3a. for drinks to be smooth; 4. for music to be sweet and smooth. Nagbayli sila inubanan sa halwut nga sunáta, They danced to the mellow music; v. 1. be, become tough, with great tensile strength. Ayaw halwúta paglútù ang tiratíra, Don’t cook the taffy so hard; 2. be, become viscous and sticky; 3. get a smooth, mellow texture.