v. 1. for clothing to be loose and oversized. Naníwang na giyud diay ku kay nahalhal na man ning ákung sinínà, I must have grown thin because my clothes are hanging loose on me now; 2. be scatterbrained, have a dopey expression. Nalímut ka sa ímung túyù kay naghalhal ka man lang, You forgot what you went there for because you are scatterbrained. Halhálan kaáyu ku níyang musulti, mu rag way buut, I think she talks like a scatterbrain. Naghalhal lang nang nawung mu, You have an idiotic expression on your face; a. 1. loose and oversized; 2. brainless talk or expression.
v. for animals to pant with their mouth open. Naghalhal ang kabáyù nga gikutasan, The horse panted because it was out of breath.