[deictic, demonstrative pron.] Go on!
[deictic, demonstrative pron.] OK!
expression telling someone to do something a. urging. Hala, káun na, Come on. Eat now. Hala, sumbága, Come on! Sock him. b. acquiescing. Na hala, sígi, O.K., go ahead. Hala, bayinti na lang, O.K., twenty is O.K. c urging in a satirical way. Hala, sígig bilar, arun matísis nang ímung ubu, Go on, keep on staying up late, so your cough develops into T.B; v. 1. go along with something unhesitatingly. Ug hangyúun, muhala dáyun, If you ask him, he agrees to do it right away. Ug hagdun, muhala dáyun, If you ask him to join you, he agrees right away; 2. urge someone into immediate action. Walay naghala nímu sa kaminyúun ug karun magbásul ka na, Nobody urged you to get married, and now you are sorry. halla 1. expression of helplessness, upon watching something happen. Halla, natumba, There, it’s falling; 2. expression chiding someone Halla, káun, bisag gisakitag tiyan, Go ahead, eat some more even if you got a stomach-ache from it.
warning of something unpleasant impending. Halá, gibuak nà nímung básu, Watch out! You broke that glass.
v. gather ears of corn that are maturing ahead of the rest of the crop. Muhálà kug mais kay nahurut nang bugas, I’ll gather ears of corn that are already ripe ahead of the rest of the crop because we have run out of food.