a. 1. selfish, greedy, unwilling to share and wanting something for oneself. Hakug siya kay dílì manghátag bísan diyútay, He is selfish because he doesn’t give even a little. Hakug kaáyu siya kay gustu iyáhung tanan, He’s very selfish because he wants everything for himself; 2. overly fond of something Hakug siyag bayli, He is exceedingly fond of dancing; v. be selfish, greedy. Ang kangihit mauy makahakug (makapahakug) sa mga táwu, Scarcity makes people greedy. hakughakug v. do something greedily, esp. eating. Hilabihan giyud tingáli níyang gutúma kay naghakughakug ug káun, He must be very hungry because he eats so greedily. -an a. greedy. -un a. of a greedy sort.