v. 1. rub material onto strings to impart a desired property. Hagúri ug kandílà ang hílu nga itahì sa sapátus, Rub wax onto the thread you will repair the shoes with; 2. make something smooth and pliable by rubbing it over the edge of something Naghágud kug buli arun laláhun, I am softening buri leaves to weave; 2a. for rope or similar things to get worn out from use. Nahágud ang higut sa bábuy sa tantung bag-idbag-id, The pig’s rope got worn from being rubbed so much; 3. for males to masturbate. (→) n. 1. substance to coat strings and lines to impart a desired property; 2. a mixture of pulverized glass used as a coating for kite strings. hinagúran a. possessing the desired property as a result of having been rubbed with something.