n. hold
v. 1. hold on to something to keep it from falling. Guníti pag-áyu arun dì muhilus, Hold it well so it won’t slip; 1a. ígù rang — sa dalunggan barely get a passing grade; 2. hold hands. Makiggúnit giyud siya kun manlákaw mi, She insists on holding hands with me when we go out; 3. hold something so as to keep it. Kinsa may naggúnit sa átung trupi? Who is holding our trophy? 4. get to touch. Bisan usa ka dakù sa íyang swildu dì ku kagúnit, I can’t get my hands on even one penny of his salary; 5. handle or play something skillfully. Kamau kang mugúnit sa sista? Do you know how to play the guitar? 5a. handle something Maáyu siyang mugúnit sa íyang nigusyu, He handles his business well. paN- v. 1. hold fast onto something to keep from falling. Panggúnit arun dì ka mahúlug, Hold on tight so you won’t fall; 2. — sa dalunggan hold on to your hats. Panggúnit sa dalunggan. Magpahaybul ta, Hold on to your hats. We’re going to put on the gas.