adj. mature
a. 1. old in age. Miritayir siya kay gúlang na, He retired because he’s old. Dalágang gúlang, Old maid; 2. mature. Tub-a ang ságing kay gúlang na, Cut the banana down because the fruits are mature; 3. for syrup to be thick enough or steel to be properly tempered; v. 1. grow old. Mugúlang (magúlang) ka ug dalì ug hingári kag pangísug, You will grow old fast if you always get angry. — sa hiktanan grow old and still not be married; 2. for fruit to become mature. Wà makagúlang ang kakaw kay gibugtuk, The cacao fruits didn’t mature because they were infested with pests; 3. for iron or sugar to come out with the requisite consistency or hardness. Dúgayng nakagúwang ang giítus námung asúkal, hidaghanan ra sigúru sa túbig, The sugar we were making into syrup took a long time to harden. It probably had too much water in it. Unsa kahay makagúwang (makapagúwang) ug dalì sa puthaw? What can we do to hasten the tempering of the steel? a-(→) n. 1. title for an old man or woman; 2. old man or woman. Palikírung agulang, An elderly philanderer. ma-(→) n. 1. elder brother, sister; 2. older than someone Magulang siya nákug dyis anyus, He is ten years older than me. 3; a. little more than something compared to. Ang ímung tíngug magulang lag diyútay sa hagawhaw, Your voice is just a little louder than a whisper; v. get to be a little older, more than. ka-un(→) n. 1. age; 2. consistency of syrup, temper of steel. kama-an, kinama-an n. 1. eldest among a given group; 2. first-born; 3. — nga buling the topmost layer of dirt in something that is very dirty. Kuháa lang ang kinamagulángang buling sa hábul kay bug-at labhan, Just wash out the topmost layer of dirt in the blanket because it is hard to wash. -un(→) a. elderly. ti- a. old in age. Usa ka tigúwang, An old man (woman); n. term used to refer to one’s parents when they are not young. Hustu ang ímung mga tigúlang sa pagdilì nímu sa paglangyaw, Your folks are right, forbidding you to go abroad; v. grow old. Kining magkatigulang na ta, magkahanap ang átung panan-aw, As we grow old our vision gets dim. hini-(→) v. do something in a way that old folks are wont to do. Día, naghinigulang mig tabì, Here we are, gossiping like a bunch of old folks. pakati- v. act, treat like an old man. pakati-(→) v. stay s.w. till one’s old age. tuluti-(→) a. older than anyone else in a group. Akuy uináhan dinhi sa upisína kay aku ra may tutiguwang dinhi, I’m considered a mother here in the office because I am the oldest among us here. kati-an n. 1. old folks. Masukù ang mga katigulángan sa mudirnung paági, The old folks hate the new ways; 2. ancestors. kati-un(→) n. one’s old age. Mau rag wà siyay katigulangun, She never seems to grow old.