a. 1. tangled. Gubut ang íyang buhuk nga gitís, Her hair was all tangled because it had been teased; 2. disorderly, topsy-turvy. Panghípus kay gubut ang kwartu, Straighten out your room because it’s all in disorder; 3. full of trouble and ill feeling. Gubut ang ílang panimuyù kay way pagsinabtanay, Their family life is full of trouble because there’s no understanding. — ang hunàhúnà troubled, confused mind. Dì ku mahinultul kay gubut ang ákung hunàhúnà, I don’t know what to do because my mind is confused and troubled. — ug pálad for a woman to have her life bothered by too many suitors. (Lit. Having palms with lines criss-crossing each other in a disorderly way.) n. trouble, discord. Arun way gubut angáyun mug hátag, So there won’t be any trouble each of you will be given an equal share; v. 1. entangle, be tangled up. Ayaw gubta ang iskuhídu kay dúgay husáyun, Do not tangle up the fine abaca fiber because it takes time to comb it out; 2. put into disorder. Nagubut ang balay kay nagdúlà ang mga bátà, The house is in a mess because the children were playing in it. 3. create trouble among several people. Gubta ang ílang míting arun maundang, Make trouble in their meeting so it will break up. Ang pirmi nílang kagubtan mau ang kwarta, Money is what they always quarrel about. Gisalída na ang gikagubtang sini nga law-ay, They are showing the obscene film that was the cause of so much controversy. (←) v. be in utter confusion. Naggubut ang ákung hunàhúnà tungud sa ámung panagbángì, My mind is troubled because of our quarrel. Nagkagúbut ang hílu, The thread is completely tangled up; n. commotion due to a fight. Nanambù mi arun pagtan-aw sa gúbut, We looked out of the window to watch the commotion. gubutgúbut n. squabbles, fights over something trivial; v. for there to be squabbles or fights over something trivial. Ug maggubutgúbut ang míting, If there are squabbles in the meeting. ka-(←) n. 1. troubled, confused state; 2. major hostilities such as war, revolution. Namakwit mi panahun sa kagúbut, We evacuated during the war. magubtánun a. 1. full of disorder; 2. bring disorder. maN-r- a. troublemaker, disturber of the peace.