Meaning of gihápun



1. still, as before. Nagpabílin gihápun nga Risalista si Iyù Simun, Old Simon still remains a die-hard Rizalist; 2. still, nevertheless. Bísag unsáun, kang Sirhing kami gihápun, No matter what happens, we are still for Serging; 3. still the same thing. Balanghuy gahápun, balanghuy lang gihápun karun? We had cassava yesterday. Do we still have cassava today? mau — as always. Tigúlang na siya apan mau gihápun ambúngan, He is old now, but as always, handsome. sa — forever, always, at all times. Maingun sa sinugdan, karun, ug sa gihápun, sa mga katuígan ngatanan, As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.