adj. free
go out
go/come outside
n. exterior
n. outside
v. 1. go out of an enclosure or area. Migawas siya sa balay, He went out of the house; 2. bring something out. Kinsay naggawas sa mga silya? Who brought the chairs out? Wà níla ikagawas ang igbabaligyà, They weren’t able to display (lit. put out) their goods; n. 1. immediate vicinity outside; 2. from a foreign country. Karun, mga balità gíkan sa gawas, And now, news from abroad; 3. state of being free, independent. Yútà nga gawas, A free country; 4. aside from. Gawas nga gwápa, sapían pa giyud, Aside from being pretty, she is rich; 5. except. Way láing tugútan gawas nímu, Nobody is allowed to except you; 6. unless. Dì ku muadtu gawas kun suhúlan, I won’t go unless I’m paid for it. anak sa — illegitimate child. pa- v. display one’s skills and knowledge for an audience to appreciate. Gialirúngan si Tinù nga nagpagawas sa íyang mga binúang, People gathered around Tino showing off his jokes. Gipagawas na níya ang tanan níyang kaláki apan lúpig gihápun siya, He has emptied his bag of tricks but he still can’t compete. gawsanan, -ánan n. exit, place one leaves through. ka-an(←) n. freedom, liberty. -nun a. free, not under any control. Kinabúhing gawasnun, A free and unfettered life.