v. 1. play games, play with something Mugála gihápun kag munyíka? Do you still play with dolls? Dílì na nátù siya igála, Let’s not play with her any more; 2. influence, lure someone into doing something he shouldn’t. Ikaw giyuy nakagā́ kaníya sa binúang, You influenced him to do something foolish; 3. give money for a performance. Gigaláhan siya sa mananan-awg diyis písus nga giitsa sa intabládu, He got ten pesos from the money which the audience had thrown on the stage; n. 1. game; 2. gift of money given for performing. ka- n. playmates. galáhan n. 1. toy; 2; a. plaything which gives certain magical powers to the owner. Ang trabungku galáhan sa sawa, A crystal ball is the special magic toy which a snake possesses; 3. amusement devices at fairs and carnivals; 4. penis (used as one’s plaything—slang). galagala n. companions, usually unwholesome. Nahímu siyang dautan tungud sa gagá, He became evil because of bad company; v. induce someone to do something unwholesome. Gigalagala (gigalagalahan) ku níla pagsúkul sa ákung inaína, They induced me to fight my stepmother.
(not without l) n. dress used for festive occasion; v. use, wear a gala attire. — nga unipurmi n. gala uniform. — primyir n. gala premiere; v. hold a gala premiere.
n. dry twigs. paN- v. gather dry twigs.