n. power. Ang gahum sa Tayid, The power of Tide. Ang gahum sa hárì, The power of the king. Ang anáa sa gahum, Those in power; v. 1. gather enough strength. Nakagahum siya pagbutyag sa masulub-ung balità ngadtu kaníya, She gathered enough strength to break the sad news to him; 2. overpower, take power over. Ang kahadluk sa kamatáyun migahum kaníya, He was completely overpowered by his fear of death. Taliwalà sa kalampúsan walà siya gamhi sa garbu, In the midst of his success he wasn’t overcome with pride. gamhánan a. powerful, able to effect change. Ang labing gamhánang ingridiyinti sa Tayid, The most powerful ingredient in Tide. gamhánun a. dominating. Usa ka gamhánung tíngug milánug, A dominating voice resounded. galamhan one’s inner feelings, inner self. Natay-ug ang íyang galamhan sa túmang kabalísa, Her inner self was shaken by intense anxiety. kagamhánan government. Kagamhánang dimukratiku, Democratic government. makagagáhum a. 1. overpowering all else. Usa ka makagagáhum nga unus, An overpowering squall; 2. The Almighty.