v. 1. hear. Nakadungug ka sa kasábà? Did you hear the noise? Wà nákù madungug ang íyang tawag, I didn’t hear him calling. Ayawg sábà. Hidunggan ta unyà, Don’t make any noise. someone will hear us. Hidunggan nákù ang ílang hunghung, I overheard what they were whispering about; 2. listen. Dungga ra gud ku úsà, Hear me out; 2a. heed one’s requests. Gidungug ang ákung pangalyúpù, He heard my prayers; 2b. dì na mudungug ug tawgun be distantly related (won’t heed if you call on them). Paryinti mi apan dì na mudungug ug tawgun, We’re related, but very distantly; a. audible. Dungug kaáyu ang inyung tábì diri, I can hear your chattering here; n. 1. action of having heard something Sa ákung dungug, dus sintus lang tu, The way I heard it, it was only two hundred; 2. reputation, honor. Dungug sa pamilya, The honor of the family. Panalípud sa ímung dungug, Defend your honor. (←) v. 1. be bruited about, widely known. Gidúngug siyang pinaangkan, It is widely known that she has had a child out of wedlock; 2. hear one another. Magkadúngug pa mi ánang distansiyáha, We can still hear one another over that distance; 3. hear from. Dúgay na siyang walà igdúngug, He hasn’t been heard from for a long time; 4. ig-, dungga, walà — (such-and-such) a case has never been. Wà igdúngug (dungga) nga may mamumúnù sa ílang pamilya, There has never been a murderer in their family. dinunggánay v. for siblings or close kin not to communicate directly but rather to hear from each other through letters or from other people either because of distance or because of bad personal relations. Nakigdinunggánay mi sa ámung igsúung bintahúsu, We broke off relations with our brother who took advantage of us. padungugdúngug v. say something in someone’s earshot to embarrass him or give him a hint. Nagpadungugdúngug siyag pinaskúhan, He talked about Christmas presents where I could hear him. Gipadungugdúngug ku níya nga kawatan ku, He let me overhear him calling me a thief. paka- v. 1. hear many things; 2. cause someone to hear. Duktur nga nakapakadungug ug bungul, A doctor that enabled a deaf person to hear. pasi- v. honor someone for an accomplishment. Gipasidunggan ang mananáug, The winner was given a victory celebration; n. honor bestowed on one for his accomplishment. pinasidunggan n. honoree. panunggan v. heed advice, instructions, and the like. Gáhì ug úlu. Dílì manunggan ug tambag, He’s stubborn. He won’t listen to advice. dunggan, dalunggan n. 1. ears; 2. ear-like projections on the end of sacks formed when the mouth of the sack is tied up. 3. ígù rang nakagunit sa — just barely made the grade. dalunggandalunggan, dalunggan sa amù see layat. dinalunggan n. 1. shaped like the ear; 2. kind of ear-shaped cookie. dunggánan a. famed, widely honored. ig-l-(←) n. something to hear with. kadunggánan n. honor. madunggánun a. honorable. pang-, pan- n. sense of hearing.