a. 1. for a night to be dark and moonless. Dulum ang gabíi kay patay ang búwan, The night is dark because there’s no moon; 2. for the atmosphere to be gloomy, dark. Dulum ang kaugmáun sa táwung tapulan, A lazy man has a gloomy future; 3. for the vision to be failing; 4. the moon of the third quarter. Primírung dulum, The first day of the third quarter; v. 1. get dark, gloomy. Buklása ang hinayhay kay nadulum na ang lángit, Bring the wash in because it has gotten overcast. Nadulman mi sa dálan, Darkness overtook us on the way; 2. for the eyesight to fail; 3. — ang pangísip, hunàhúnà get to be blind with rage, sorrow. Nadulum (gidulman) ang íyang pangísip pagkahibáwu níya, He became blinded with rage (sorrow) when he found out.