v. 1. have a little taste of something (slang). Mudimul kug gamay ánang ímung tubà, Let me have a taste of your palm toddy; 2. obtain something from someone (slang). Mudimul kung Nánay ug písus ipanini, I’m going to get one peso from Mother for the movies; 3. see dímul, 2.
n. bad luck (slang); v. bring bad luck to someone, be unlucky.
n. in music, a change from one key to another or from a major chord to the minor chord. Lisud duyúgang kantáha daghang dimul, The accompaniment of the song is difficult, it has so many changes in chords; v. change the key or from major to minor chords in musical accompaniment. Dihà sa kúrus idimul, Change chords at the refrain of the song.
v. 1. play a musical instrument with the fingers. Maáyu siya mukaskas ug mudímul usab, He strums chords well and plays notes as well; 2. swipe, steal (slang). Kinsay midímul sa ákung bulpin? Who swiped my ball point pen? Gidímul ang tanan, hasta ang karsúnis dunut, Everything was stolen, even his worn out pants.