[question particle, conjunction] where?
adv. where
conj. when
1. where (past)? Diin man nímu ibutang ag ákung kálù? Where did you put my hat? — nga (noun)-a in which (noun) of several. Diing siníha sila manan-aw? Which movie did they go to? 2. which one of the several places or things. Diin man íning duha íyang gipílì? Which of these two did he select? 3. where (relative). Mau nà ang lungsud diin misurindir ang mga sundálu, That is the town where the soldiers surrendered. diindíin v. be at, go or travel to several places. Nadiindíin (nahadiindíin) ku ug langyaw, wà kuy nakítang ingun, I have travelled everywhere, but I have never seen the like. Diindiínun kug dúaw básin pag makit-an ku si Bíbing, I will travel any and everywhere so I might find Bebing. Nagkadiindíin kug búlung nímu. Diin man ka? I’ve been everywhere looking for you. Where were you?
n. the end of a movie, interview, stage-play. Layù pa ba ang diin niíni? Is it still long to the end? v. come to the end.