v. 1. take, bring, carry. Magdala ba kug rigálu ngadtu? Shall I bring presents there? Bug-at na kaáyung dad-un (dalhun, dal-un) ang táru, The can is too heavy to carry; 1a. for an illness to take. Dad-un ka untà sa kulira, Drop dead! (Lit. I hope cholera takes you!) 2. play a role. Ang papil ni Husi Risal ang gidala ni Rumíyu, Romeo played the role of José Rizal; 2a. sing a certain voice in choral groups, play an instrument in an ensemble. Akuy mudala sa báhu, ikay kanta sa túnu, I’ll sing the bass while you sing the melody; 2b. — ug hílas fake something without showing it. Maáyu siyang mudág hílas kay dì muusab ang íyang dagway ug mamutbut, He can really fake it, because when he tells a lie his face remains unchanged; 3. drive a vehicle, make something go. Maáyu diay kang mudalag sista, You sure play the guitar well! Impála ang íyang dad-un sa paráda, He will drive an Impala during the parade; 4. treat, manage something or someone Ang táwu nga nagdala sa upisína maáyung mudala sa íyang mga kawáni, The man who manages the office treats his employees well; 5. endure, bear. Madala pa sa kábaw ang kaínit sa adlaw, The carabao can bear the heat of the sun; 6. be of some help. Ang ímung grádu dílì na madala ug ínat. Hagbung ka giyud, Stretching your grade won’t be of any help. You failed, period; 7. include with, be together with, accompany. Ang íyang tíngug nagdala ug kahadluk, There was fear in her voice; 8. carry clothes, personal belongings well, poorly. Maáyu siyang mudala ug bisti, She carries her clothes well; n. something brought, carried, taken along as a load. Nagsangkiig aku sa ákung dala, I staggered under my load; a. 1. together with. Mikalagiw ang inahan dala ang gamay níyang bátà, The mother fled together with her small child; 2. carried along with, influenced by. Dala sa ákung kalágut nakahílak aku, Influenced by my anger, I burst out crying; 3. the accompaniment of. Kining ákung hilánat dala sa ákung húbak, My fever came on with my asthma; 3a. — sa pagkatáwu inborn. Ang íyang pagkabúta dala sa íyang pagkatáwu, He is blind from birth; 4. included. Ang singkuwintang plíti dala na ang túbig, Water is included in the fifty pesos rent. (←) v. be influenced by, carried along. Nadála aku sa íyang kakúgi, I was influenced by her industriousness. daladála v. bring repeatedly, wherever one goes. Kining ímung pagkasaksi mauy mudaladála kanímu sa pagpaatúbang sa husgádu, If you are a witness it will keep bringing you back to court. Daladaláun gayud nákù kining batáa, I will surely take the child with me wherever I go. Hápit na mutúig ang pagdaladála níya sa íyang sakit, He has been going around with his sickness for almost a year; n. female genitalia (humorous). pa- v. send. Ipadala níya ang ímung urdir kun padad-an mu siyag kwarta, He will send the order if you send him money. -um-(←) v. manage. Nagdumála siya sa usa ka bangku dinhi, He managed one of the banks here. kadumaláhan, dumaláhan n. management. Ang Urmuk ubus gihápun sa íyang kadumaláhan, Ormoc is also under his administration. -in- a. see dala, a 1, 2. n. 1. male genitalia (humorous). 2. children of a former marriage brought into a new marriage; 3. idiosyncrasies a woman may experience during conception. Ayaw tagda ang kapungtánun sa ímung asáwang burus kay dinala nà, Don’t mind your wife’s irritability. That’s part of her pregnancy. dinad-an, dinalhan n. treatment. Ang ngil-ad nga dinad-an sa íyang bána, The bad treatment her husband gives her. dalad-unun, dad-unun, dalhunun n. things to be brought; a. needing care because of sickness or needing tact because of touchiness.