v. 1. for something bad to persist, get worse. Nidahan ang íyang kabúang sa madiyung, Her madness for mahjong got worse. Gidahanan siya sa hilánat, His fever is persisting; 2. keep up with. Dílì ku madahan ang trabáhu sa balay, I cannot keep up with the work in the house. manga it is ridiculous, incredibly stupid that (so-and-so) happened. Madahan ba gud nímu nga gidisdísan siyang way anistisya, Imagine! They operated on him without anesthesia. ma- ug it would have been ridiculous if (so-and-so) had happened. Madahan ug dì ka mutambung sa kasal sa ímung anak, You surely could not fail to attend your son’s wedding! pa- v. allow something to persist, get worse. Dílì maáyung padahanun (ipadahan) ang íyang batásan, It’s not advisable to allow this behavior of his to go on.