v. 1. use sparingly. Daginúta ang bugas arun muhangtud, Use the rice sparingly so it will last; 2. use the last bit of something Mudagínut kug mga tinábas, I will use up the remnants; 3. save money, be economical. Makadagínut ka kun mupalit kag dinusina, You can save if you buy by the dozen; 4. heed things not worth heeding. Daginútun pa giyud nà níyang pitsipitsi? Does she really care about those worthless things? 4a. heed and spread small details of gossip not worth heeding; 5. masturbate, save money by self-gratification (humorous slang). -an(→) a. thrifty, frugal. -an ug sulti tending to gossip about things not worth gossiping about. -in- a. done slowly, usually to make something last to put it off. Dinagínut ang íyang mga lákang arun dúgayng muabut, He walked home slowly so it would take long to get back. ma-un a. economical, inexpensive to use. Madaginútung panlaba, An economical soap for washing. -un(→) a. be little in quantity, intensity. Daginutun ang kaháyag sa ispat kay gastádu na ang batiríya, The flashlight gave off a weak light because the batteries were down. -un(→) ang bulsa have little money; a. thrifty, frugal.