v. 1. fall, make something fall from the place where it is growing. Uyúga ang punúan arun madagdag ug hurut ang búnga, Shake the tree so that all the fruit will fall. Idagdag (dagdága) ang búnga sa kayimítu, Shake the fruit from the star-apple tree; 1a. for hair to fall. Ayawg gámit ug tayid arun dílì mudagdag (managdag, mangdagdag) ang ímung buhuk, Don’t wash your hair with detergent or it will fall out; 2. pick coconuts; 3. for coconut trees to yield. Ang íyang kalubihan mudagdag hasta tagdiyis mil káda saka, His farm yielded as many as 10,000 nuts per harvest; n. yield of coconuts. ting- n. season when a particular tree loses its leaves.