v. 1. make a fire. Pagdábuk dihà kay magdigámu ta, Make a fire because we’re going to fix dinner; 2. fumigate an area. Dabúkan ta ang mangga arun mudaghan ang búnga, Let’s subject the mango tree to smoke so that there will be lots of fruit. (→) n. 1. fire in an open place; 2. place where an open fire is built. Duul ra sa balay ang dabuk (dabukan), They built the fire too close to the house. -an(→) see dabuk, 2.
v. crush by pounding. Dabúka ang mani pára sa kaykay, Pound the peanuts for the cookies. (→) n. crushed to fine bits, crumbled. Dabuk sa pán, Bread crumbs.