a. full, sated. Busug na ku. Dì na ku layhang mukáun, I am full, I don’t feel like eating any more. Busug run ang íyang pitáka kay bag-ung giswilduan, His wallet is full now because he has just received his salary; v. fill oneself to satisfy. Magbusug ku kay lamì ang sud-an, I’ll eat my fill because the food is tasty. Busgun kung ákung mga mata pagtan-aw sa ímung katahum, I’ll let my eyes have their fill in gazing at your beauty. way ka-un, kabulusgun without ever getting satiated.
v. fluff up cotton or kapok in preparation for further use. -an n. 1. fluffer of cotton or kapok fibers; 2a. bow for shooting arrows (so called from the cotton fluffer which is a small bow). 2b. a tube with a tie at the end which propels a spear in spear fishing.
n. downward movement of the baby during labor; v. for the baby to move downwards during labor. Nagbúsug na ang bátà. Dad-a siya sa uspital, The baby is struggling to come out. Bring her to the hospital.