n. coconut husk and shell. Nusnúsig bunut ang salug, Scrub the floor with a coconut husk; v. 1. husk a coconut; 2. scrub the floor with a coconut husk. Bunuti ang salug, Scrub the floor with a coconut husk; 3. punish or maul one severely. Ílang gibuntan ang kawatan, They mauled the thief (lit. husked him).
v. 1. pull something that is in between something Hináyag búnut ang húnus, Pull the drawers out slowly. Ákung bunútun ang madyungan, I’ll draw a piece from the mahjong set; 2. pull out something rooted, stuck in something Bunúta ang lansang, Pull out the nail; 2a. pull something out as if uprooting weeds. Ayaw ibúnut (bunúta) pagkúhà ang igtalánum, Don’t just rip out the seedlings; 3. draw a weapon. Makigbúnut ku nímug pistulahay, I’ll duel you with pistols; n. action of drawing. — lábay n. action of drawing and discarding what was drawn in a game in order to allow the game to continue without anyone’s dropping out. — madyung in mahjong, the action of getting a piece which enables one to go mahjong. — paníngit see singit. — supu n. 1. manner of betting in mahjong whereby a player bets that his next draw will cause someone (himself or any other player) to get mahjong; 2. amount bet in this manner of betting.