n. pimple
n. rice
n. 1. husked rice or corn; 2. pimple, cyst. Dì makáun ning babúya kay may bugas, You can’t eat this pig because it is infested with cysts; v. 1. husk rice or corn. Pínu kaáyung mubugas ning galingána, This mill produces fine grains; 2. get pimples, cysts. Gibugas íyang nawung, She has pimples on her face. — mais corn grits. — humay husked rice. -an(←) n. 1. container for husked rice or corn; 2. rice or corn mill. -ánan n. rice or corn mill. -íru n. one who engages in the buying and selling of husked corn or rice. paN- n. 1. money to buy rice with; 2. something done in all seriousness as if it were the source of one’s livelihood. Pamugas nang íyang pagpusta, His betting is strictly for the money; v. buy husked rice or corn. Ígù ra gayung ikapamugas ning sapía, This money is just enough to buy husked rice (or corn). -un a. pimply.