n. ice-cream brick.
n. break from work; v. take a break.
n. brakes of a vehicle; v. 1. apply the brakes. Bríki ang awtu, kay dulhugun, Brakes! We’re going down on a steep incline; 2. stop a vehicle.
v. 1. break off a relationship between two lovers. Bríki nang ímung trátu, Break up with your sweetheart.
v. separate two boxers. Kun maggákus ang buksidur, bríkun, When boxers clench each other, they are separated.
n. in bowling, the action of downing the ten pins on the third throw; v. make a break. Kinahanglang bríkun (ibrík) nímu kining labáya arun ka makaigwális, You must make a break on this throw if you want to even up the score.