Meaning of bi



1. see ambi; 2. particle coming at the end of sentences expressing a request, meaning ‘please’ a in requesting an action to be done in direction of the speaker. Itudlus ra nang butilya, bi, Hand me that bottle, please. Dad-a ngari bi, Please bring it over here. Dì ku bi, Yes, please (Lit. I don’t want any, let me have it). b. in requesting an action to be done for the benefit of the speaker when the speaker is situated close to the person requested. Imakinilya ku ári, bi, Please type this up for me.



n. letter B.


1. (from híbi) expression of teasing to a child to heighten its embarrassment (paghíbì). Bí, dì ka tagáag kindi, Nah, nana nahna, you’re not going to get any candy; 2. expression used in calling goats.