n. 1. female animal or plant; 2. descriptive term given to plants, where the same name is given to different species or varieties. The smoother and usually larger variety or species is described as bayi whereas the thornier or smaller variety is called laki ‘male’. Kudyapà nga bayi, The smooth kudyapà (Amaranthus viridis) as opposed to the kudyapà nga laki, the armed kudyapà (Amaranthus spinosus). (←) human female. Báyi ákung anak, My baby is a girl. bayhána particular, exclamatory woman. Patyun ta ka bayhána (babayhána) ka, I’ll kill you, you woman. Kinsang bayhána (babayhána)? Which woman? v. turn out to be a girl. Ug mabáyi, átù siyang nganlag Ána, If she turns out to be a girl, we’ll call her Anna. babáyi n. 1. woman; 2. see báyi. babayhána see bayhána. -ng búhat a woman of proper deportment. Dílì muláag ang babáying búhat, A lady doesn’t roam about; 3. mistress. Gipusil sa asáwa ang babáyi sa íyang bána, The wife shot her husband’s mistress; v. 1. see báyi, v; 2. have, make into a mistress. paba-(←) v. fool around with women. pama- v. take a mistress. Gastúsu kining mamabáyi ta, It’s expensive to keep a mistress. hima-, hiN- a. fond of women. panghima- v. chase after women. binabáyi, binabayi a. 1. effeminate. Binabáyi siyag panlíhuk, He is effeminate in his motions; 2. — nga ulan lingering drizzle; 3. cock with hen-like feathers; 4. adapted for a woman’s use. Bisiklítang binabayi, A woman’s bicycle; v. do something like a woman. Nagkabayù ug binabáyi, Riding sidesaddle. Binabayha (ibinabáyi) ímung tingug, Make your voice sound like a woman’s. makiba-(←) see hima-, a. babayin-un a. see binabáyi, 1, 2. bayin-an, babayin-an, tagbayin-an, tagbabayin-an, tagbayi n. people on a bride’s side in a marriage. kababayin-an n. women as a group. Dì makabutar ang kababayin-an, The women cannot vote. baláyi n. parents of one’s children-in-law; v. be in the baláyi relation, parents of children that married each other. binaláyi n. daughter-in-law; v. make, get as daughter-in-law. pamaláyi v. ask a girl’s hand from her parents. Kinsa may dakung táwu sa ímung pamaláyi? When you asked for her hand in marriage, who was the spokesman? Gipamay-an na siya, someone has already asked for her hand in marriage. babayíru see himabáyi.