against, versus. Ang áway ni Balug bátuk Di Liyun, The fight of Balug versus De Leon. Tambal bátuk sa sip-un, A medicine against colds; v. 1. oppose. Dì aku mubátuk sa ákung mga labaw, I will not oppose my superiors. Ayaw batúki ang pagbuut sa ímung ginikánan, Don’t oppose the wishes of your parents; 2. respond to a hurt by being cold or silent to the perpetrator. Dílì maáyung magbátuk sa ginikánan kun kasab-an, It’s no good to feel resentment against your parents if they scold you. ma-in-un a. resentful, tending to respond to slights by coldness.
n. a small area different in color or texture from the background. Ang irù dúnay itum nga bátuk sa masigkakílid, The dog has a black spot on either side; v. dye something.
see balalátuk.