n. escort
n. guard
v. 1. watch something, keep watch over. Wà siyay ági, nagbantay lang sa úras, He doesn’t work. He just watches the clock. Pag-iskápu sa binilanggù kinsay nagbantay? When the prisoner escaped, who was on guard? Dílì siya kasiyut ug daghan ug akuy makabantay, He can’t shoot the ball if I guard him. Bantayi ang linung-ag, Watch the rice; 1a. take care of plants, esp. coconuts. Nagbantay sila sa kalubihan, They were tending their coconut plantation; 2. notice, be aware of something impending. Nadunggaban siya kay walà siya makabantay sa usa ka handus, He got stabbed because he was not aware of the thrust; 3. watch out for, beware of. Pagbantay sa mangunguut, Watch out for pickpockets. Bantayi ni nga dílì maumgan, Take care so it won’t get wet; 4. watch for something to pass. Ibantay kug taksi, Watch for a cab for me; n. guard. Namúga ang mga prísu kay natúlug ang bantay, The prisoners escaped because the guard fell asleep. bantaybantay, — sa balutbut, talikud various species of colorful fish that lurk in the reefs and snap at prey: e.g. Diploprium bifascatium. -l-an n. guardhouse, guard post. Butangig bantay kanúnay ang balantayan (bantayan), Always keep a guard in the guardhouse. -l-an, -anan a. needful of careful watching. Ang bátang bag-u pang mulakaw bantayánan kaáyu, A child who is still starting to walk needs careful watching. hiN-un a. minding other people’s business. ma-in-un, ma-un a. watchful. Ang mabinantáyung (mabantáyung) mata sa Diyus, The watchful eyes of God. mag-r-, mag-l- n. 1. one who watches over something Magbalantay sa tindáhan, Storekeeper. Magbalantay sa sam-ang, Cemetery caretaker; 2. sergeant-at-arms. anghil — see anghil. — sa kalínaw guardian of peace.