n. kind of úbi.
n. main floor beams of a house to which the joists (busaug) are nailed.
v. 1. get up from a lying position. Mubángun kug sayu, I’ll get up early. Hibangunan ta gánì ka, búnal giyud, As soon as I can get up I’ll spank you; 2. make something lying erect. Mabughat kag mubángun (mupabángun) ka ánà, You’ll have a relapse if you lift that; 3. redeem one’s honor. Bangúna (ibángun) ang kanhing kadunggánan sa átung kalíwat, Redeem the former honor of our race; 4. revive the name of a deceased relative by naming someone after him. Bangúnun ku ang ngálan ni anhing lúlu pinaági sa ákung anak, I will bring grandfather’s name to life again through my son. (→) v. put a boat on a small elevated platform or wedges when it is beached to prevent it from getting rotten or infested with shipworms; n. wedge used to put a boat on.