n. waves; a. curved, curled in a single upward curve. Balud siyag piluk, She has curly eyelashes; v. 1. be struck by waves. Malúnud nang sakayánag balurun ug kusug, That boat will sink if it is struck by big waves; 2. curl something upwards. Balura ang ímung kamut, Make your fingers bend upwards. (←) a. having high waves. Bálud run kay dúnay bagyu, There’s a huge surf because there’s a storm; v. 1. for there to be huge waves. Magbálud kag maglínaw manágat giyud siya, He goes to sea, whether there are huge waves or whether it is calm; 2. be caught in high seas. Gibálud kami didtu sa kinalawran, We were overtaken by high seas far out from shore.
n. kind of cream-colored wild pigeon: Ducula bicolor.