v. 1. refuse someone or something Balibáran gánì ku nímu, patyun ta ka, If you turn me down, I’ll kill you; 2. give an excuse for not doing something Mibalíbad (namalíbad) siyang dì musulti kay pagaw siya, He got out of giving the speech with the excuse that he was hoarse; n. 1. refusal. Ang ímung balíbad way kapuslánan kun tiúnan kag pusil, No use trying to refuse when someone points a gun at you; 2. excuse. Nakadawat mig balíbad níya nga dì siya makaanhi, We already received his excuse that he couldn’t come. paN- v. say something is not the case. Namalíbad siya nga wà siya mahigugma kaníya, She said she did not love him. balibaran a. fond of giving excuses.