v. run in a gallop. Mibakud ang kabáyù, The horse galloped away. Nakigbakud siya sa mga bátà, He ran around with the children.
v. 1. get up from lying position, make something lying erect. Mibákud siyag sayu, He got up early. Dì ku kabákud sa halígi, I cannot raise the post. Bakúrun sa nars ang masakitun, The nurse will make the patient get up. Wà ku ibákud (bakúra) ang halígi, I did not raise the post; 2. — ug nigusyu v. start a business. Dì ta makabákud ug nigusyu ug way puhúnan, We cannot start a business if we don’t have capital; 3. save one’s name or honor from public humiliation. Kamung mga anak mau na lay mubákud (mupabákud) sa átung apilyídu nga gihugawhugawan ug maáyu sa inyung amahan, Only you, the children, can save our family name which your father has sullied.
v. tie something together, fasten to something Nakabákud na siya sa mga káhuy, She has tied the firewood into bundles. Gibákud siya sa halígi, He was tied to the post. Bakúra (ibákud) ang mga papil, Tie the papers in bundles. (→) n. bond, fetters.