Meaning of bagal, bágal

bagal, bágal


a. 1. lumpy. Bagal kaáyu ang yútà pagdáru níla, The soil was very lumpy when they plowed the field; 2. have something protruding in a lump. Bágal ang íyang kílid kay dihà may pistúla, There was something protruding on his side because he had a pistol; 3. see bagul, a. n. impacted, chunky earth. Dagkù kaáyu ang bagal sa yútà sa daruhan, The lumps of earth in the fields are very big; v. 1. become lumpy; 2. be protruding; 3. see bagul, v. bagalbagal v. become lumpy. Ang kapi mibagalbagal kay ang túbig wà pa man mubúkal, The powdered coffee was full of lumps because the water was not boiling.

bagal, bágal


n. shell of eggs, cartridges, and all shellfish but shrimps. Bagal sa mga kinhasun, Shells from the sea animals. Bagal sa blastingkap, Empty shells of a dynamite blasting cap. (←), -an(←) n. kind of shrimp of tidal swamps, growing to 3″ with a thick transparent shell.