v. 1. refuse to go through with something, have second thoughts, esp. about buying. Walay makaayad áning prisyung kubus, No one can have second thoughts about buying it at this low price; 2. reject an offer. Ikaw pa lay miayad sa ákung panábang, You’re the only one so far who has refused my aid. Pagkaaláut ning gugmang ímung giayran, Pity the one whose love you spurned; 3. avoid, refrain contact with. Nangayad siya sa mga pagkáun kay nanamkun, She couldn’t stand food because she was pregnant. Giayran siya sa mga táwu human siya mabangkarúta, People avoided him after he went bankrupt; 4. particle expressing eagerness. ‘Mukáun kag mangga?’—‘Ayad!’ ‘Do you want to eat mangoes?’—‘Sure thing. (Lit. Would I avoid them?)’ inayran n. something spurned, avoided. Inayran sa katilingban, Spurned by society.
v. repair something Ayrun nákù ang munyíka nga natangtángag kamut, I’ll fix the doll that lost one of its arms.