affix forming verbs which refer 1. to reciprocal actions. Naglalisay sila, They argued back and forth. Nagtutukay sila, They stared at each other. Naghigugmáay sila, They were in love with one another; 2. to intense actions. Naghilákay sila, They cried and cried. Naghikayay sila kay pista ugmà, They were busy preparing because the fiesta was the following day.
affix added to verbs to form nouns referring to manner in which something is done. Maghúlin ta, bihagay, Let’s play marbles for keeps (in the manner of bíhag ‘capture’). Magtínis ta, sirbisahay, Let’s play tennis. The loser buys beer (lit. in the beer manner). Tagsingkwinta ang gatus, way piliay, They cost fifty a hundred, but no choosing.
1. expression dismissing what follows as unimportant. Ay kanà, ihátag na lang nà, Oh that! Just give it away; 2. particle showing exasperation or frustrated helplessness. Ay, Inday. Wà pa giyud ka makat-un? Goodness, my dear. Can’t you ever learn? Ay, ulahi ka na, nahurut na ug kahálin, Oh you are too late. They’re all sold out. Ay, kapait ning kinabuhía, My, how difficult life is. 3. particle preceding an exclamation of delight. Ay, kanindut sa búlak! Oh, what a beautiful flower.
particle following something which calls attention to something Si Pidru ay, Mam. Nanghíwì nákù, Teacher, Pedro was making faces at me. Pagkabuta nímu. Túa sa iskína ay, How blind you are! It’s right there at the corner! Kining bataána ay. Nagsígi lag dúlag lápuk, My, this child. He keeps playing in the mud. únu, dus, —, tris one, two, three, go!
see ayaw.
n. a pair of mahjong pieces of the same number and design. In order to get mahjong, a set must contain an ay.