v. 1. for liquid to boil over, spill over the top of a container. Muáwas ang sabaw, The soup will boil over. Nag-awas ang túbig sa baldi, The water in the pail is running over; 1a. have wet dreams. Awásan siyag magabíi, He has wet dreams at night; 1b. — sa kalindaryu pass thirty (Lit. go over the number in the calendar—slang). Miáwas (naáwas) na lang síya sa kalindaryu, wà pa giyud maminyù, She is past thirty and still hasn’t gotten married; 2. for blows to miss the mark. Muáwas lang ang kúmù kay maáyung mulikay ang kuntra, Since his opponent dodge well his fist won’t hit the mark. pa- v. parry, ward off blows. Paawásun níya ang pipila ka sukmag úsà siya mubálus, He will ward off several blows before he retaliates. (→) a. abundant to overflowing. Ang Hapun karun awas sa mga pruduktu, Japan has products in abundance. —, -an(→) ug pálad spendthrift, extravagant. -an(→) sa apdu kind of sickness. awasánan n. down spout of a roof gutter.