n. liver
n. 1. liver; 2. liver as the seat of emotions. makapakitbì, makapakúlù sa — makes the blood curdle. makapadakù sa — make something go to one’s head; 3. bàbà sa — n. pit of the stomach; v. hit in the liver. Giatay siya pagdunggab, He was stabbed in the liver.
n. illness of chicken; v. 1. be affected with chicken cholera. Walà ba atáya ang inyung manuk? Are not your chickens affected with chicken cholera? Atáyun ka untà, Why don’t you drop dead? 2. be, act in a way that arouses annoyance and disapproval. Giátay nang bayhána. Miápas na pud, That damn woman. She followed me again; 2a. gi- Damn! Giátay, mabdus na sad ku! Damn, I’m pregnant again! -l-un, -unun a. susceptible to chicken cholera.