1. here (near speaker but not near person spoken to). Ari ibutang ang lamísa, Put the table over here. Ari na mi, We’re on our way (lit. will be over here) now; 2. let’s go over to the following point. Karun ari ta sa ikaduhang ánib sa libru, Now, let’s turn to the second chapter of the book; v. 1. come over here, bring here. Makaari ka sa Lúnis? Can you come over on Monday? Iari nákù ang bátà kay akuy bantay, Bring the child over here and I’ll watch (him). 2. come to get. Kinsa may mag-ari diri sa libru? Who is going to come here to get the book? Aria diri ang libru, kay dì ku makahatud, Come here to get the book, because I have no time to deliver it. umari ka, marika come here (said by superiors to inferiors). Marika ra gud Pidung, Come here, Pedong. (←) see ari. hi-/ha- v. wind up here. arian v. always come here. ariúnun, alaríun n. things one has to come here to get.
see niíri. see kiri.