v. 1. do something early before something else happens. Muantimánu kug lakaw arun dílì hiabtan sa ulan, I will leave early before I get caught in the rain. Antimanúhun (antimanúhan) ta sila ug sulti arun dílì hiunhan, Let’s tell them early before someone else does; 2a. kill something with a single blow. Wà nímu maantimánug patay ang bábuy, You didn’t kill the pig at the first blow; 2b. do something immediately with finality. Iantimánu (antimanúhun, antimanúhan) giyud ang pagbalíbad arun dílì na magbalikbálik, You should refuse him with finality then and there so that he will not keep coming back; a. for a killing to be done with one blow.