a. 1. short for andir dibúnal, bakyà, sáya be dominated, subjugated to one’s wife; 2. subordinate to. Andir ku ni Kapitan Santus, Captain Santos is my superior; 3. be a student of. Andir ku ni Lúpis sa mat, I studied math with Lopez; 4. under the net in tennis, volleyball, etc; v. 1. dominate. Dì giyud ku maandir, I will not be henpecked; 2. get to be under someone, student of someone 3. for the ball to be under the net; 4. in phrases: — dibakyà, búnal, sáya see andir, 1. — ditíbul n. something given under the table. Ug way andir ditíbul dì mulusut ang ímung papílis, Your papers won’t get through without something given under the table; v. bribe. — grawun n. underground place, cellar. Dúnay andir grawun ámung balay, Our house has a cellar. — gul n. 1. the area directly beneath the goal in basketball; 2. being directly beneath the basket. Ayawg syát ug way andir gul, Don’t shoot if there is no one in the area under the basket; 3. a shot from directly beneath the basket; v. 1. man the area beneath the basket; 2. make a shot from directly beneath the basket. Inigpása nákù nímu iandir gul dáyun, When I pass you the ball, shoot from directly beneath the basket. — ids underage; v. be underage. — kúbir n. undercover agent; v. be an undercover agent. — pas n. underpass. — tayim undertime in job; v. do undertime.