[deictic or demonstrative pron., second person singular, present time] there is
[pron., first person exclusive, genitive or possessive case] there are
short form: náa; 1. be there (near you). Náa ba dihà ang yáwi? Do you have (is there) the key? 1a. be employed at, work at. Náa siya sa Atlas, He works for Atlas. Náa ra siya sa báy, He is always at home; 2. there is. Náay suwat pára nímu, There is a letter for you; 3a. — dat. [dat.] has. Náa kaníya ang yáwi, He has the key; 3b. it depends upon [dat.]. Náa ra nímug muadtu ta, It’s up to you if we should go. 3c. be menstruating. Dílì mudúul ang bána ug náa sa asáwa, A husband cannot have intercourse with his wife when she is menstruating; 4. unsa may — niánà, sa (noun)? what does that, (noun) have to do with it? Unsa ba guy náa sa idad? And what does age have to do with it? pagka- n. the state of being there. Ang íyang pagkaanáa sa balay, His presence in the house. paka- v. strive to have something Ímu kung pakaanaáhun bisan wà kuy nahut, You try to get something from me even though I haven’t anything. anaáhun a. well-to-do.