prep. beside
v. 1. move along together with something moving. Lagmit hiligsan ang bátà kay nag-abay sa tartanilya, The child is likely to be run over because he is running alongside of the rig. Silang duha nag-ábay paglanguy, The two swam side by side; 1a. — ug sawa have a snake born at the same time one is born. The snake is called one’s twin (kalúha) and is supposed to bring him and his family luck. Pagkatáwu sa ákung iyaan, giabayan (giabyan) ug sawa. Mau nang nadátù ang íyang inahan, When my aunt was born, a twin snake was born with her, and so her mother became rich; 2. go in with someone who buys or invests in something Ug mupalit kag usa ka sákung humay muabay kug lima ka gantang, If you buy a sack of rice, I will go in with you for five ganta’s worth. Giabyan níyag singku písus ang ákung pusta, He went in for five pesos on my bet; 3. go in together in a fishing operation which requires several hands; 4. attach a gaff in the abay way (see abay, n 4); n. 1. money paid as a share in a purchase or investment. Ang ákung abay bálig dus písus ra, My share is two pesos’ worth; 2. bridesmaid or best man; 3. man’s male friend; 3a. title used by males of the same age to each other. short form: bay. Ása man ning dyípa, bay? Where is this jeep headed for, driver? 4. manner of tying a gaff to a cock level with and parallel to the spur to offset any advantage it may have over its opponent. maN-l-(←), maN-r- n. persons who go in together in a fishing operation. -an, abyanan n. life saver. abyan n. 1. friend, companion. Alang kaníya walà siyay láing abyan kun dílì álak, He has no other friend except liquor; 2. supernatural being that provides a shaman or sorcerer with his power; v. 1. be friends. Kita lay mag-abyan, Let’s be friends; 2. indulge in a bad habit. Walà siya makig-abyan sa huguyhúguy, He did not indulge in roaming about.